Watch out for the malevolent 'roos!
Anyways, I've been sick as a dawg the last few days, and I think it started sunday in the pool with a perforated eardrum. I went to the doctor, paid 90 friggin' dollars to be told what I already knew. If there is an infection I will need antibiotics so the infection doesn't spread. Ofcourse there were no signs of an infection since it was two hours after I managed to f*** things up!
Anyways, I paid money to get nuttn' atoll!
Tuesday comes, and I think I am about to die walking around on a tour of uni! I go from being supercold to extremely warm and right back to wanting to die.
Then I decided to try and go to a togaparty which was on tuesday night. I felt like crap so Izz-whizz and I walked home and I went to bed at 12.
Three hours later I wake up and just wanted to die! A fever in a hot country is nothing I would recommend you guys!
I feel like I got a family away from home because wednesday was the second time Kathryn, our landlady, took me to the doctors office and helped me get some antibiotics to kill off whatever germs are stuck in my chest. Because it really hurts!
It might look like it says "whore" in norwegian, but it says hope... I swear! And I hope I get well soon!
Enough whining!
Saturday Alan and Kathryn set up a barbie in our backyard with some neighbors and other fun people! It was awsum:)
Sunday Jo-Jo, Katrine, and I decided to sit down in the backyard and drink beer and play cards. After a while more joined in. Ron, the tallest guy in the world, and Raj our (indian) egyptian guy came along and we all had funstufftimes!
Hurricane Kathrina on the grass while playing cards
Ramez is too complicated a name for us dumb blondes, so we named him Raj! And he likes it:p
This is not a crazy axe-murderer, but Ron! He looks mad in the head, but we like it!
Togaparty tuesday is pretty much the last thing I have done outside the house, because the rest of the time I've stayed inside. I think UV rays get to me anyway, because I am getting slightly tanner every day! Whoop whoop!
No wonder I got sick! I look like a mad-cow lady!
The most annoying bastard today, sits in a tree, flies one round around another tree while screaming his (or hers) head off! Luckily he shut up after a coconut fell down.
Mail plz?
Felix leaving us with his bike...
*insert sad song here*
Dumt at du ble syk, men det ser ut som du koser deg på tross av dårlig form. Jeg lo av det med den plagsomme fuglen! Og det med "HORE" selvfølgelig. Sånn P.S.: jeg har kjøpt en billigmobil som ikke har ÆØÅ, så hver gang jeg skal skrive "høre" så blir det "hore". I dag skrev jeg i en melding: "Vet ikke helt, skal hore med de andre forst." He he he. Send meg postadressen din på fb-melding, så ska du få postkort a me.